Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day 150: Memories

Day 150! Wow. This one kind of snuck up on me. I feel like it was just day 100. I also remember just really hoping to have the chance to type in Day 100. And now, here we are at day 150.

And it was a good day. Olly and I drove up to mom and dad's. I brought lunch. Mom's Oven Porcupines (meatballs with rice) and a Strawberry Spinach salad. And, of course, a pumpkin pie. Mom enjoyed it all so much. She kept saying what a treat it all was for her. I was glad I could give her a little enjoyment like that.

Olly worked on the computer for dad trying to clean some stuff up. I went on a hunt for all the 8mm films that mom and dad have taken over the years. We all finally found them. They date back to 1964. I'm going to take them to Costco and get them all put on DVD. There are 30 total. I'm really hoping they are in good enough shape to transfer them over and we haven't lost any yet.

While looking for the movie reels, we went through a bunch of old photo albums. I've seen all those pictures tons of times, but it's still fun to go through them all and was fun to show them all to Olly for the first time. I need to bring them home with me and start organizing them. I should have done it today, but didn't really think about it until we left so I'll pick them up the next time I'm up there.

So, it was a good day. Memories shared. Lots of smiles and laughter. These are the days I hold with me throughout this journey. These are the days when, bittersweet as it is, I do truly find my mom in small goodbyes.

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